Umpires Kit Bag

In the morning I will be umpiring at my first regatta of the 2011 season. The rules of racing lists essential equipment for Key Officials/Umpires and most of this is provided by the regatta organising committee. However there are a number of other things that make umpiring that little bit more comfortable. My personal packing list contains the following: A copy of the British Rowing Rules of Racing. Whilst we know the rules pretty well we often have to check details to ensure that we apply things properly. [Read More]

Red fading on Color LaserJet 1600

Over the past month we have noticed that the red colour on the left hand side of pages printed by our Color LaserJet 1600 has not been printing very well. I assumed that this was just due to a faulty cartridge that was not feeding toner to the left hand of the page. A replacement toner did not fix the problem so after a bit of Googling it turns out that this is a common fault with the CLJ 1600/2600 series of printers. [Read More]

Installing CAcert root certificate

The CAcert root certificate is not installed in many browsers by default but it is normally just a matter of visiting a link to it to get it installed. I suggest trying the PEM Format version first. Root Certificate (PEM Format) Root Certificate (DER Format) Root Certificate (Text Format) For iPhone 3G the PEM format works. Click “Accept” for “Accept Website Certificate”. This takes you to the “Install Profile” page and you can click “Install” from there. [Read More]

Groklaw is retiring

Pamela Jones, PJ, over at Groklaw has decided to cease publishing her blog from May 16th. PJ will have been following the SCO vs Linux litigation for 8 years on the 16th and has decided to return back to her life from that date. Thanks to PJ for her efforts in researching and teaching us computer folk about how the law works.

Linux Outlaws

Dan and Fab over at Linux Outlaws just had me falling off my seats with episode 198 “GNU/Linux Outlaws”. The spent the whole show doing a parody of some of the major figures in the Open Source community. Those two guys really are crazy!

Farewell Durham Regatta, Hello Durham Regatta

Tonight we held 3 consecutive Durham Regatta meetings where we formally completed our 3 year journey and have now converted our 178 year old committee into a legal entity in its own right. Its the same group of people organising the Regatta but now that group is part of Durham Regatta, a company limited by guarantee. Company number 07479131. Registered in England. Competitors and the general public will (hopefully) see very little difference but it is a fact of life today that many bodies require that they interact with a legal company entity rather than a committee of like minded individuals. [Read More]

The Perils of Daylight Saving Time

Daylight Saving Time begins in the UK overnight tonight. This and the end of DST cause me no end of headaches and worry in my professional life. On the face of it most people do not realise that there is anything difficult about time. To them it seems that 10am on one day is the same as 10am on another day and that they are always 24 hours apart. One of the rites of passage to becoming a seasoned computer professional is learning first hand how much of a mess can be caused if you don’t take care with your timezones and daylight savings time. [Read More]

LinuxMag Articles

I enjoy reading Linux Magazine each month. They used to provide full copies of each magazine six months after they were first published. Sadly that has now changed so when I recycle the paper magazine I cannot refer to the articles anymore. Here are some of my favourite articles from the last few editions where articles are available.

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First cycle ride of the year

This lunchtime I went on my first cycle ride of the year. It was a pleasant day but it was quite cold. Its amazing how cold your feet can get. I’m sure I’ll ache tomorrow but it does feel good!

Now available in IPv6

This site has had a bit of a makeover and is now available in both Internet Protocol versions 4 and 6. We have been running IPv6 at Mortimer Towers for over a year and have been testing it on our servers for a similar time. We are now happy that our co-location providers, Mythic Beasts, are providing a solid, reliable, IPv6 service so we are rolling it out to the websites that we manage. [Read More]